Artistic Interpretations of the Constitutional Convention

Constitutional Convention

Washington as Statesman at the Constitutional Convention

by Junius Brutus Stearns, (1856)

Signing of the Constitution

by Thomas P. Rossiter (circa 1860-1870)

Constitutional Convention

Convention at Philadelphia, 1787

by Frederick Juengling and Alfred Kappes (1881)

Constitutional Convention

Franklin at the Constitutional Convention 1787

by Joseph Boggs Beale (probably circa 1880-1900)

Constitutional Convention

The Signing of the American Constitution

by Albert Herter (1915)

Constitutional Convention

The Foundation of American Government

by Henry Hintermeister (circa 1925)

Constitutional Convention

The Adoption of the U.S. Constitution

by John H. Froehlich (1935)

Constitutional Convention

The Constitution

by Barry Faulkner (1936)

Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States

by Howard Chandler Christy (1940)

Christy’s artistic representation of the signing of the Constitution is generally considered to be the best artistic portrayal of the American Founding.

Constitutional Convention

Signing of the Constitution

by Louis S. Glanzman (1987)

Absent the usual items of decor, Glanzman’s rendition of the signing of the Constitution is considered by most historians to be the most accurate of all the Constitutional Convention paintings.