Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Ann Gerry (1787)

Image: Portrait of Ann Thompson Gerry. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ann_Thompson_Gerry.jpg

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Sunday Evening

I have received , my dearest Girl, your letter of the 5th and it is impossible to say what time we shall rise this week, some say not ’till the latter end, others about the middle. I am myself of opinion that Thursday will finish the Business to which I have every prospect at present of giving my negative. I am very happy indeed that you are better and hope you will not be troubled with a return of your complaints, which have very much distressed me. I am clearly of your opinion respecting the taste for dress in this City and your choice my dearest love is always conclusive with me. I only give you this information, which never can injure before we form our determination. I have not seen any silks here yet that I like and unless I find one we will take that which you mention. I called on Mr. Garoqui who arrived here yesterday, this evening but found him not at home Miss Ross whom Mr. Vaughan wants to address, a young lady about 18 was buried this evening. She came to town this week with Miss Nixon and Miss West who had spent several days at Mr. Ross’s, and returned home in the evening. The next day she was seized with a violent fever and delirium which continued til yesterday morning, when she expired. She was remarkably gay the day week before she died and was a fine sprightly Girl, as I am informed, a serious momento this, not to be too solicitous about events of any kind. I intended this evening to call on Miss Bonds but I am growing more and more indifferent about an acquaintance that seems to have very little friendship for its foundation. I have found only one piece to pattern your curtains: it may do to make a counter of this and to take yours for repairing the curtain unless you think the black streak will be much seen. Oh how I long to be with you, our little frolicksome pet and friends at New York: when will the time arrive. Adieu my dearest Love, kiss the little child and give my sincere regards to all the family and

Believe me ever your most affectionate

E. Gerry

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