Michelle Hubenschmidt

Teaching American History
Senior Teacher Programs Manager
Michelle Hubenschmidt

Michelle Hubenschmidt joined Teaching American History in 2014 as a Teacher Programs Manager.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and Secondary Education from the University of Michigan. She taught 18 years in  Polk County, Florida, where she created the Advanced Placement curriculum for History and Government and directed many programs for new and seasoned teachers in areas of classroom management, curriculum and clinical supervision. She is a National Board Certified Teacher and holds a Master’s Degree in education from Cambridge College. Michelle received the James Madison Fellowship in 2010 and went on to earn a Master of American History and Government degree in 2012 from Ashland University. In 2013 the Sons of the American Revolution conferred their National History Teacher of the Year to her and she also received the 2013 Florida State History Teacher of the Year from the Florida Daughters of the American Revolution.

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