Master of Arts Programs for History Teachers
Fall 2025 Session 2 - October 20 to December 11
HIST 501 O2B / POLSC 501 O2B: The American Revolution (2) This course is an intensive study of the principles of the American Founding and the documents that embody them, especially the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. These principles will be illuminated through a close study of the constitutional convention, the struggle over ratification of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and important constitutional controversies that have arisen in American history. Instructor: Todd Estes (Oakland University) Schedule: Tuesdays, 6:15 pm to 9:30 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 502 O2B / POLSC 502 O2B: The American Founding (2) This course is an intensive study of the constitutional convention, the struggle over ratification of the Constitution, and the creation of the Bill of Rights. It will include a close examination of Federalist and Antifederalist writings. Instructor: David Tucker Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:15 pm to 9:50 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 503 O2B / POLSC 503 O2B: Sectionalism and Civil War (2) A study of the sectional conflict beginning with the nullification crisis. The course will not only examine the political, social and economic developments in the period leading to the civil war, but will emphasize the political thought of Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, and John C. Calhoun. Instructor: Brent Aucoin (Judson College at Southeastern) Schedule: Tuesdays, 8:15 pm to 11:30 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 505 O2B / POLSC 505 O2B: The Progressive Era (2) The transition to an industrial economy posed many problems for the United States. This course examines those problems and the responses to them that came to be known as progressivism. The course includes the study of World War I as a manifestation of progressive principles. The course emphasizes the political thought of Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and their political expression of progressive principles. Instructor: Jason R. Jividen (Saint Vincent College) Schedule: Tuesdays, 6:15 pm to 9:30 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 506 O2B / POLSC 506 O2B: The Rise of Modern America, 1914-1945 (2) With the exception of the Civil War era, it is difficult to find another thirty-year period in U.S. history during which the nation underwent such dramatic change. In 1914 the United States was no more than a regional power, with a primarily rural demography and a relatively unobtrusive federal government. Thanks to the experience of two world wars, a major cultural conflict (the 1920s), and a disastrous economic crisis the country was transformed into the global economic and military power that it remains to this day. This course will examine the cultural, economic, military, and diplomatic events and trends of the period 1914-1945. Instructor: David Hadley (National Defense University) Schedule: Mondays, 8:15 pm to 11:30 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 507 O2B / POLSC 507 O2B: Lincoln (2) This course provides an in-depth study of Abraham Lincoln’s political thought and action. Students will study Lincoln’s most important speeches, as well as study various aspects of his political leadership, including his role as the leader of the Republican party and as commander in chief. The course will also provide opportunities for students to analyze Lincoln’s rhetoric and political argumentation. Instructor: Peter C. Myers (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) Schedule: Wednesdays, 6:15 pm to 9:30 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 510 O2A / POLSC 510 O2A: Great American Texts – The Federalist (2) The Federalist is a complex political work comprised of arguments about war, economics, national unity, and liberty (among other things) based on appeals to human nature, history, reason, and prudence. In this course we will examine and discuss The Federalist as fully and as deeply we can, aiming to understand how (or whether) its parts fit together in a coherent whole and its enduring contribution to our understanding of politics. Instructor: Adam Carrington (Ashland University) Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:15 pm to 9:50 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 614 O2A / POLSC 614 O2A: Contemporary America, 1974 to present (2) Examines the United States from the end of Watergate to the present, with emphasis on the rise of the new conservatism, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the search for a new foreign policy. The social, economic, political, and diplomatic development of the country is stressed with a thematic emphasis. Instructor: Eric D. Pullin (Carthage College) Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:15 pm to 7:50 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 621 O2A / POLSC 621 O2A: Race and Equality in America (2) This course explores the history of black Americans as they strove to secure their dignity as human beings, and rights as American citizens, in the face of racial prejudice. Students will examine the writings of leading black intellectuals and activists about human equality, slavery, self-government, the rule of law, emancipation, colonization, and citizenship. The course will also review laws, constitutional amendments, court cases, and social criticism addressing civil and political rights in America. Instructor: Daniel K. Williams (Ashland University) Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:15 pm to 7:50 pm ET Course Materials: |
HIST 643 O2A / POLSC 643 O2A: Presidential War Powers (2) How much power does the Constitution give a president during wartime? Problematically, the text does not provide clear answers to this question. Instead, it creates created as Edward Corwin wrote “an invitation to struggle” over the direction of US foreign policy. As a consequence, members of the executive, legislative, and judicial branch have different answers to the question and the answers change based on the nature of the war. The battleground has even shifted. The executive used to ask the legislature for approval and the legislature used to restrain executive war making. Over time, however, executives have increasingly claimed their Article II powers allow for unilateral action. In turn, members of Congress appeal to the judiciary rather than challenging the president directly. This course will use the study of key documents, first principles, enduring practices, critical military events, and current controversies to understand the changing balance of war powers over US history. It will focus on how the president has moved from deliberating with Congress to claiming they have the formal power to initiate hostilities large and small. What explains the new relationship among the branches? Why do presidents enjoy a comparatively free hand when it comes to exercising their formal constitutional powers in war? Instructor: Sarah M. Burns (Rochester Institute of Technology) Schedule: Wednesdays, 6:15 pm to 9:30 pm ET Course Materials: |
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