The Federalists vs Anti-Federalists
This seminar is designed to analyze the main arguments set forth in print during the crucial years of 1787-1788 concerning the adoption of the newly proposed Constitution of the United States. Through a close reading of the primary source material we will attempt to identify the most important principles that animated the participants in the discussion, including the fundamental assumptions therein about the political order and human nature. These texts have an authority of their own in connection with the great debate over ratification, and yet have an enduring quality that makes them not only useful but essential guides to understanding the development of political action and discourse over the subsequent centuries in American history and beyond.
This program will be conducted as a discussion, utilizing primary source documents as the only readings, and with the Discussion Leader facilitating the conversation, instead of lecturing or presenting. Registrants, therefore, are highly encouraged to read all the documents in advance and come ready with questions. All attendees will receive a Letter of Attendance at the end of the seminar.