Dr. Jason Jividen is Associate Professor of Politics in the McKenna School of Business, Economics, and Government at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, where he also serves as chair of the Politics Department, Fellow in Civic and Constitutional Affairs for the Center for Political and Economic Thought, and Director of the Aurelius Scholars Program in Western Civilization. Since coming to SVC in 2010, Dr. Jividen has taught courses in the history of political philosophy, American political thought and institutions, and constitutional law.
Dr. Jividen is also an Honored Visiting Graduate Faculty member in Ashland University’s Master in American History and Government (MAHG) program. In the MAHG, Jividen has taught courses on Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, the Progressive Era, The First Amendment, Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, and the American Founding. Additionally, Dr. Jividen is a frequent contributor and seminar leader for Teaching American History.org (tah.org).
Dr. Jividen has written on topics in ancient and modern political philosophy, the principles of the American Founding, Lincoln’s political thought, American Progressivism, and civic education. Among other articles and book chapters, his peer-reviewed publications include two books: Claiming Lincoln: Progressivism, Equality, and the Battle for Lincoln’s Legacy in Presidential Rhetoric (Northern Illinois University Press) and, with David Alvis, Statesmanship and Progressive Reform: An Assessment of Herbert Croly’s Abraham Lincoln (Palgrave Macmillan). Most recently Jividen is the editor of the primary source reader, Populists and Progressives: Core Documents (Ashbrook Press).