Introduction to “Election of 1912” Exhibit
TAH is proud to announce the release of a new online exhibit: The Election of 1912. This pivotal moment in American political history is explained by Jason Jividen in his opening essay, in which he establishes the situation leading into the election year, contextualizes the ideas and personalities in play and conflict, and explains what happened. Jividen has selected 11 documents essential to understanding the topic, and integrates explanations of them into his essay.
The exhibit also includes key facts and statistics from the election itself, including an electoral map, and vote counts and popular vote shares in each state. We also included Important demographic statistics to help the reader understand the differences and similarities between America then and now.

In addition, we have included a number of useful images, which you are welcome to save and use with your students.
How to Use the Exhibit
We recommend reading the essay and then working through the documents to gain a deeper understanding of who was involved, their ideas and conflicts with one another, what happened, and why. We believe that the electoral map and statistics will further illuminate the election and its meaning when taken alongside those readings.
Documents mentioned in the exhibit:
- William H. Taft, “The Judiciary and Progress”
- Theodore Roosevelt, “The Right of the People to Rule”
- The Socialist Party Platform of 1912
- Eugene V. Debs, “Political Appeal to American Workers”
- Republican Party Platform of 1912
- Democratic Party Platform of 1912
- William H. Taft, Letter Accepting the Republican Nomination
- Theodore Roosevelt, “My Confession of Faith”
- Progressive Party Platform of 1912
- Woodrow Wilson, “Speech of Acceptance”
You should also consult Jividen’s Core Document volume Populists and Progressives, available as a free download or for purchase as a paperback in our online bookstore.