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Charleston Nonimportation Agreement
July 22, 1769Conversation-based seminars for collegial PD, one-day and multi-day seminars, graduate credit seminars (MA degree), online and in-person.
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Resolved…That the Votes, Resolutions, and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of Massachuset’s Bay, in the Months of January and February one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight, respecting several late Acts of Parliament, so far as the said Votes, Resolutions, and Proceedings, do import a Denial of, or do draw into Question, the Power and Authority of His Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament assembled, to make Laws and Statutes of sufficient Force and Validity to bind the Colonies and People of America, Subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, in all Cases whatsoever, are illegal, unconstitutional, and derogatory of the Rights of the Crown, and Parliament of Great Britain.
Resolved…That the Resolution of the said House of Representatives of the Province of Massachuset’s Bay, to write Letters to the several Houses of Representatives of the British Colonies, on the Continent, desiring then to join with the said House of Representatives of the Province of Massachuset’s Bay, in Petitions which do deny, or draw into Question, the Right of Parliament to impose Duties and Taxes upon His Majesty’s Subjects in America; and in pursuance of the said Resolution, the writing such Letters, in which certain late Acts of Parliament, imposing Duties and Taxes, are stated to be Infringements of the Rights of His Majesty’s Subjects of the said Province; are Proceedings of a most unwarrantable and dangerous Nature, calculated to inflame the Minds of His Majesty’s Subjects in the other Colonies, tending to create unlawful Combination, repugnant to the Laws of Great Britain, and subversive of the Constitution…
Resolved…That it appears, that the Town of Boston, in the Province of Massachuset’s Bay, has for some Time past been in a State of great Disorder and Confusion, and that the Peace of the said Town has at several Times been disturbed by Riots and Tumults of a dangerous Nature, in which the Officers of His Majesty’s Revenue there have been obstructed, by Acts of Violence, in the Execution of the Laws, and their Lives endangered.
Resolved…That it appears, that neither the Council of the said Province of Massachuset’s Bay, nor the ordinary Civil Magistrates, did exert their Authority, for suppressing the said Riots and Tumults.
Resolved…That in these Circumstances of the Province of the Massachuset’s Bay, and of the Town of Boston, the Preservation of the public Peace, and the due Execution of the Laws became impracticable without the Officers of His Majesty’s Revenue.
Resolved…That the Declaration, Resolutions, and Proceedings, in the Town Meetings at Boston, on the 14th of June, and 12th September, were illegal and unconstitutional, and calculated to excite Sedition and Insurrections in His Majesty’s Province of Massachuset’s Bay.
Resolved…That the Appointment at the Town Meeting, on the 12th September, of a Constitution to be held in the Town of Boston, on the 22d of that Month, to consist of Deputies from the several Towns and Districts in the Province of the Massachuset’s Bay, and writing a Letter by the Select Men of the Town of Boston, to each of the said Towns and Districts, for the Election of such Deputies, were Proceedings subversive of His Majesty’s Government, and evidently manifesting a Design in the Inhabitants of the said Town of Boston, to set up a new and unconstitutional Authority, independent of the Crown of Great Britain…
Resolved…That the Elections by several Towns and Districts in the Province of Massachuset’s Bay, of Deputies to sit in the said Convention, and the Meeting of such Convention in consequence thereof, were daring Insults offered to His Majesty’s Authority, and audacious Usurpations of the Powers of Government…
Conversation-based seminars for collegial PD, one-day and multi-day seminars, graduate credit seminars (MA degree), online and in-person.