Podcasts and Webinars
Webinars & Podcasts
Organized by era, our webinars and podcasts are recordings of document-based conversations between scholars and educators about the documents, events, people and ideas that populate American history. These resources are perfect for either professional development or use in the classroom.
- Colonial America
- The Revolution & Confederation
- The Founding
- Early Republic
- Expansion & Sectionalism
- Civil War & Reconstruction
- Industrialization and Urbanization
- Progressivism and World War I
- The Great Depression and the New Deal
- World War II
- Cold War America
- Contemporary America
Colonial America
Topic | Links |
Jonathan Edwards | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Benjamin Franklin | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: The Intolerable Acts | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Patriots vs. Loyalists | Podcast Youtube Readings |
American Presidents Series: George Washington, Father of the Country | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Revolution & Confederation
Topic | Links |
Benjamin Franklin | Podcast Youtube Readings |
George Washington: Father of the Country | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Heroes of the American Founding: John & Abigail Adams | Youtube Readings |
Patriots vs. Loyalists | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Was the American Revolution really a revolution? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Declaration of Independence | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Alexander Hamilton | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The American Family in Times of Crisis: Education, Health Care, and the Trade-offs of Coming Home | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: James Madison’s Memorial and Remonstrance | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Founding
Creating the Constitution
Topics | Links |
Is the Constitution Pro- or Anti-Slavery? | Podcast |
Benjamin Franklin | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Madison’s Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Federalists vs. Antifederalists | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Alexander Hamilton | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Brutus I | Podcast Readings |
DiD: Brutus II | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Federalist 1 | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD:James Madison’s Federalist 10 | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Federalist 51 | Podcast Youtube Readings |
James Madison: Statesman for Union and Constitutional Government | Podcast Youtube |
Governing the Nation
Webinars | Podcasts |
The Power of the Pulpit in Times of Crisis: From the American Revolution to the Coronavirus | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Heroes of the American Founding: John & Abigail Adams | Youtube Readings |
Powers in Concert and Conflict: Congress and the President | Youtube Readings |
The American Presidency: The Executive Power Defined | Podcast Youtube |
George Washington: Father of the Country | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Alexander Hamilton | Podcast Youtube Readings |
James Madison’s Speech on the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Bill of Rights | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Why are both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights essential? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Early Republic
The Turbulent 1790s
Topics | Links |
DiD: The Pacificus-Helvidius Debates | Podcast |
The American Presidency: George Washington, Father of the Country | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: “Property” | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Alexander Hamilton | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Jefferson vs. Hamilton | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Presidential Leadership in Times of Crisis | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Presidential War, Emergency, and Foreign Policy Powers | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Washington’s Farewell Address | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Election of 1800 and Later
Topics | Links |
DiD: Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address | Podcast Youtube Readings |
What Can We Learn from the Election of 1800? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Election of 1800 | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Marbury v. Madison | Podcast Youtube Readings |
James Madison: Statesman for Union and Constitutional Government | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Monroe Doctrine | Podcast Youtube Readings |
McCulloch v. Maryland | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Jefferson’s Letters to John Holmes and Henry Lee | Youtube Readings |
DiD: Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to Roger Weightman | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Expansion and Sectionalism
Federal Power and Nullification
Topics | Links |
DiD: Veto Message on the Veto of the Bill on the Bank of the United States | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Henry Clay | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The American Presidency: The Executive Power Defined | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Webster-Hayne Debates | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Fort Hill Address | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Nullification Crisis | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Andrew Jackson: Democracy and a Country Expanded | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Social Reform and Abolition
Topics | Links |
The Grimke Sisters | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Reform and the Pulpit – Abolition and the American Church | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Harriet Beecher Stowe | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s Address Delivered at Seneca Falls | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Frederick Douglass vs. William Lloyd Garrison | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Susan B. Anthony | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Frederick Douglass | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Sectional Conflict
Topics | Links |
DiD: Lincoln’s Speech on the Dred Scott Decision | Podcast |
Did Slavery Cause the Civil War? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Lincoln’s Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Henry Clay | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Harriet Beecher Stowe | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Frederick Douglass | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Lincoln vs. Douglas | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Dred Scott v. Sandford | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Topics | Links |
DiD: Henry Clay’s Market Speech | Podcast |
DiD: John C. Calhoun’s Speech on the Oregon Bill | Readings |
Lincoln vs. Douglas | Podcast Youtube |
James K. Polk: “Young Hickory” and Manifest Destiny | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Civil War and Reconstruction
Topics | Links |
The 14th Amendment: A New Founding? | Podcast |
DiD: Lincoln’s Fragment on the Constitution and Union | Podcast |
Presidential Leadership in Times of Crisis | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The American Presidency: The Executive Power Defined | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Presidential War, Emergency, and Foreign Policy Powers | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Politics, Precedent, and Process: The Presidency and the Supreme Court | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: “Cornerstone” Speech | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Final Emancipation Proclamation | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Resolution Submitting the 13th Amendment to the States | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Did Slavery Cause the Civil War? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Fragment on the Constitution and Union | Podcast Youtube Readings |
What Can We Learn from the Election of 1860? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Heroes of American Medicine: Clara Barton & Jonas Salk | Podcast Youtube Readings |
American War Heroes: Ulysses S. Grant & Robert Gould Shaw | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Fire in a Crowded Theater – Civil Liberties in Times of Emergency | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Frederick Douglass | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Secessionists vs. Unionists | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Gettysburg Address | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Lincoln’s Assassination | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Lincoln’s Second Inaugural | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Industrialization and Urbanization
Topics | Links |
DiD: Plunkitt of Tammany Hall | Podcast |
Plessy v. Ferguson | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Ida B. Wells | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Susan B. Anthony | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Heroes of American Medicine: Clara Barton & Jonas Salk | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Frederick Douglass | Podcast Youtube Readings |
William Jennings Bryan | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Progressivism and World War I
Progressivism and the Spanish-American War
Topics | Links |
DiD: The Progressive Party Platform | Podcast |
DiD: Carl Schurz’s “Against American Imperialism” | Podcast |
Ida B. Wells | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Susan B. Anthony | Podcast Youtube Readings |
How did the Progressives differ from the Founders? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: 1912 Party Platform | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Powers in Concert and Conflict: Congress and the President | Youtube Readings |
Jane Addams | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Roosevelt’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Imperialists vs. Non-Interventionists | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Theodore Roosevelt’s New Nationalism speech | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Sinking of the USS Maine | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Theodore Roosevelt: At the Dawn of a New Era | Podcast Youtube Readings |
WWI and the 1920s
Topics | Links |
The Flu Epidemic of 1918 – Lessons from History | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Heroes of American Business: Henry Ford and Madam C.J. Walker | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The American Family in Times of Crisis: Education, Health Care, and the Trade-offs of Coming Home | Podcast Youtube Readings |
William Jennings Bryan | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Fire in a Crowded Theater – Civil Liberties in Times of Emergency | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Wilson’s Fourteen Points | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Imperialists vs. Non-Interventionists | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Great Depression and the New Deal
Topics | Links |
What were the Causes of the Great Depression? | Podcast |
DiD: Herbert Hoover’s Speech on the New Deal | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Powers in Concert and Conflict: Congress and the President | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Politics, Precedent, and Process: The Presidency and the Supreme Court | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Modern Presidency | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Did the New Deal end the Great Depression? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Bad Medicine? The Effects of Economic Emergencies on Liberty, Democracy, and Prosperity | Podcast Youtube Readings |
FDR vs. Hoover | Youtube Readings |
DiD: FDR’s Commonwealth Club Address | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Through Depression and War | Podcast Youtube Readings |
World War II
Topics | Links |
Fire in a Crowded Theater – Civil Liberties in Times of Emergency | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Politics, Precedent, and Process: The Presidency and the Supreme Court | Podcast Youtube Readings |
D-Day and the Liberation of Europe | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Power of the Pulpit in Times of Crisis: From the American Revolution to the Coronavirus | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Presidential Leadership in Times of Crisis | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Douglas MacArthur | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Ralph Ellison | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: FDR’s 1944 State of the Union Speech | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Attack on Pear Harbor | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Through Depression and War | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Cold War America
Topics | Links |
Presidential Leadership in Times of Crisis | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Powers in Concert and Conflict: Congress and the President | Podcast Youtube |
Presidential War, Emergency, and Foreign Policy Powers | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Politics, Precedent, and Process: The Presidency and the Supreme Court | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Modern Presidency | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Heroes of American Medicine: Clara Barton & Jonas Salk | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Power of the Pulpit in Times of Crisis: From the American Revolution to the Coronavirus | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Bad Medicine? The Effects of Economic Emergencies on Liberty, Democracy, and Prosperity | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Douglas MacArthur | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Dwight D. Eisenhower | Podcast Youtube Readings |
LBJ’s Great Society | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Great Society vs. Modern Conservatism | Podcast Youtube |
DiD: The Long Telegram | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: A Time for Choosing | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Cuban Missile Crisis | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Watergate | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Iran Hostage Crisis | Youtube Readings |
Lyndon Baines Johnson | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Richard Nixon: Challenges Abroad; Controversy and Scandal at Home | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Ronald Reagan | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Struggle for Civil and Legal Rights
Topics | Links |
Fire in a Crowded Theater – Civil Liberties in Times of Emergency | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Ralph Ellison | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Fanny Lou Hamer | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Reform and the Pulpit – The Role of the Church in the Post-WW2 Civil Rights Movement | Podcast Readings |
Martin Luther King, Jr. vs. Malcolm X | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Moments of Crisis: Bloody Sunday in Selma | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: MLK’s Letter from Birmingham City Jail | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Brown v. Board of Education | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Gideon v. Wainwright | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Miranda v. Arizona | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Tinker v. Des Moines | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Roe v. Wade | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Regents of CA v. Bakke | Podcast Youtube Readings |
New Jersey v. T.L.O. | Podcast Youtube Readings |
DiD: MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Contemporary America
Topics | Links |
Federalism | Podcast |
A “Living” Constitution? | Podcast |
An Idealistic or Realistic Foreign Policy | Podcast |
Has Modern Government Destroyed the Separation of Powers? | Podcast |
Presidential Leadership in Times of Crisis | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Presidential War, Emergency, and Foreign Policy Powers | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Sandra Day O’Connor | Podcast Youtube Readings |
What Can We Learn From the Election of 1980? | Podcast Youtube Readings |
Heroes of American Medicine | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Power of the Pulpit in Times of Crisis: From the American Revolution to the Coronavirus | Podcast Youtube Readings |
The Great Society vs. Modern Conservatism | Podcast Youtube Readings |