Whereas the Convention lately assembled at Philadelphia, have reported to Congress a Constitution for the United States of America, in which Convention were represented, the State of New— Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New— York, New— Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North— Carolina, South— Carolina and Georgia, which Constitution was unanimously approved of by the said States in Convention assembled; and whereas that Convention resolved that the said Constitution should be laid before the United States in Congress assembled, and that it was their opinion, that it should be submitted to a Convention of Delegates chosen in each State by the people thereof under the recommendation of its Legislature, for their assent and ratification; and that each Convention assenting to and ratifying the same should give notice thereof to the United States in Congress assembled.
And whereas the United States in Congress assembled, by their resolution of the twenty— eighth of September last, unanimously resolved, that the Constitution so reported be transmitted to the several Legislatures in order to be submitted to a Convention of Delegates, chosen in each State by the people thereof, in conformity to the Resolves of the said Convention in that case made and provided; and whereas the said Constitution has been transmitted to the Legislature of this Commonwealth accordingly.
It is therefore Resolved, That it be, and it is hereby recommended to the People of this Commonwealth, that a Convention of Delegates be chosen agreeably to, and for the purposes mentioned in the Resolution of Congress aforesaid, to meet at the State— House in Boston, on the second Wednesday of January next, and that the Constitution so reported be submitted to the said Convention, for their assent and ratification; and that the said Convention assenting to and ratifying the same, give notice thereof to the United States in Congress assembled, in conformity to the resolves of the said Convention in that case made and provided.
And it is further Resolved, That the Selectmen of the several towns and districts within this Commonwealth, be, and they are hereby directed, to convene as soon as may be, the inhabitants of their several towns and districts, qualified by law to vote in the election of Representatives, for the purpose of chusing Delegates to represent them in said Convention.
And to preserve an equality to the people in their representation in the said Convention, that the several towns and districts, elect respectively by ballot, not exceeding the same number of Delegates, ad by law they are entitled to send Representatives to the General Court.
And it is further Resolved, That the Secretary immediately procure to be printed a sufficient number of copies of these resolutions, as also of the said Convention, and their letter to the President of Congress, accompanying the same; and also of the resolution of the United States in Congress assembled, thereupon; and that he transmit three copies of the same, as soon as may be, by expresses, to the Sheriffs of the several counties within this Commonwealth, with positive directions to be by them, or their Deputies, without delay, personally delivered to the Selectmen of each town and district within their respective counties.
And it is further Resolved, That the Selectmen or the major part of the Selectmen of each town or district, shall certify the election of such person or persons, as may be appointed by their respective towns of districts, as a Delegates or Delegates to the Convention aforesaid.
And it is further Resolved, That the several Delegates of the said Convention, be allowed for their travel and attendance, out of the public treasury, the same pay as will be allowed to the Representatives thereof this present session, and that the same be defrayed at the public expense.
And it is further Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he hereby is requested, with advice of Council, to issue his warrant upon the Treasurer, directing him to discharge the pay— roll of the said Convention, out of any monies which will then be in the treasury, not appropriated.
And it is further Resolved, That if there shall not be sufficient monies then in the treasury for that purpose, the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed, to borrow sufficient monies therefore, on such funds of the government as are not appropriated.
Sent down for concurrence,
SAMUEL ADAMS, President.
In the House of Representatives, October 25, 1787.
Read and concurred,
True Copies.— Attest.
JOHN AVERY, jun. Secretary.