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Federalist 48
February 01, 1788
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Senate Proceedings, Friday, 1 February 1788
A message from the Honorable the Assembly, by Mr. Gordon, was received, with the following resolution, for concurrence, viz.
[The Assembly resolution of 31 January was printed at this point.]
The said resolution having been read, and the report of the Convention with the letter and resolutions accompanying the same to Congress, with the resolution of Congress thereon, being also read.
Mr. Duane moved that the Senate should concur with the Honorable the Assembly in their said resolution. Thereupon
Mr. Yates moved that the said resolution be committed to a committee of the whole; debates arose thereon, and the President having put the question, it was carried in the negative, in manner following, viz.
For the NEGATIVE [12].
Mr. Townsend, | Mr. Vanderbilt, | Mr. Hoffman, | Mr. Floyd, |
Mr. Haring, | Mr. Van Ness, | Mr. Philip Schuyler, | Mr. Morris, |
Mr. Peter Schuyler, | Mr. L’Hommedieu, | Mr. Duane, | Mr. Lawrance. |
For the AFFIRMATIVE [7].
Mr. Yates, | Mr. Humfrey, | Mr. Williams, |
Mr. Swartwout, | Mr. Hopkins, | Mr. Parks, |
Mr. Russell. |
The said resolution being then read through by paragraphs, Mr. Yates moved that the further consideration thereof be postponed; debates arose, and the President having put the question thereon, it was carried in the negative, in manner following, viz.
For the NEGATIVE [10].
Mr. Townsend, | Mr. L’Hommedieu, | Mr. Duane, |
Mr. Peter Schuyler, | Mr. Hoffman, | Mr. Floyd, |
Mr. Vanderbilt, | Mr. Philip Schuyler, | Mr. Morris, |
Mr. Lawrance. |
For the AFFIRMATIVE [9].
Mr. Yates, | Mr. Haring, | Mr. Van Ness, |
Mr. Swartwout, | Mr. Hopkins, | Mr. Parks, |
Mr. Humfrey, | Mr. Williams, | Mr. Russell. |
The question being then put on Mr. Duane’s motion for concurring with the Honorable the Assembly in their resolution, it was carried in the affirmative, in manner following, viz.
For the AFFIRMATIVE [11].
Mr. Townsend, | Mr. Vanderbilt, | Mr. Philip Schuyler, | Mr. Morris, |
Mr. Haring, | Mr. L’Hommedieu, | Mr. Duane, | Mr. Lawrance. |
Mr. Peter Schuyler, | Mr. Hoffman, | Mr. Floyd, |
For the NEGATIVE [8].
Mr. Yates, | Mr. Humfrey, | Mr. Williams, | Mr. Parks, |
Mr. Swartwout, | Mr. Hopkins, | Mr. Van Ness, | Mr. Russell. |
Thereupon Resolved, That the Senate do concur with the Honorable the Assembly, in their preceding resolution.
Ordered, That Mr. Duane deliver a copy of the preceding concurrent resolution, to the Honorable the Assembly.
Then the Senate adjourned until ten of the clock to-morrow morning.
Source: The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution Digital Edition, ed. John P. Kaminski, Gaspare J. Saladino, Richard Leffler, Charles H. Schoenleber and Margaret A. Hogan. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2009.
Conversation-based seminars for collegial PD, one-day and multi-day seminars, graduate credit seminars (MA degree), online and in-person.