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Federalist 36
January 8, 1788
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Agreeably to an advertisement inserted in the papers of this day, the TRADESMEN of this town met at Mason’s-Hall, Green Dragon, at 6 o’clock, P. M. when JOHN LUCAS, Esq. was chosen Moderator, and after some discussion, the Moderator, Paul Revere, Esq. and Mr. Benjamin Russell, were chosen to draft certain resolutions expressive of the sense of this Body. The Committee, after having retired, returned, and reported the following—which, being read, was unanimously adopted, and voted to be printed in the several public papers, viz.
WHEREAS some persons, intending to injure the reputation of the tradesmen of this town, have asserted, that they were unfriendly and adverse to the adoption of the constitution of the United States of America, as proposed on the 17th September last, by the Convention of the United States assembled in Philadelphia: Therefore, to manifest the falsehood of such assertions, and to discover to the world our sentiments of the proposed frame of government,
1. THAT such assertions are false and groundless, and it is the sense of this body, that all those, who propagate such reports, have no other view than the injury of our reputation, or the attainment of their own wicked purposes, on base and false grounds.
2. THAT, in the judgment of this body, the proposed frame of government, is well calculated to secure the liberties, protect the property, and guard the rights of the citizens of America; and it is our warmest wish and prayer that the same should be adopted by this commonwealth.
3. THAT, it is our opinion, if said constitution should be adopted by the United States of America, trade and navigation will revive and increase, employ and subsistence will be afforded to many of our townsmen, who are now suffering from want of the necessaries of life; that it will promote industry and morality; render us respectable as a nation; and procure us all the blessings to which we are entitled from the natural wealth of our country, our capacity for improvement, from our industry, our freedom and independence.
4. THAT it is the sense of this body, that if the proposed frame of government should be rejected, the small remains of commerce yet left us, will be annihilated, the various trades and handicrafts dependent thereon, must decay; our poor will be increased, and many of our worthy and skilful mechanicks compelled to seek employ and subsistence in strange lands.
5. THAT, in the late election of delegates to represent this town in Convention, it was our design, and the opinion of this body, the design of every good man in town, to elect such men, and such only, as would exert their utmost ability to promote the adoption of the proposed frame of government in all its parts, without any conditions, pretended amendments, or alterations whatever: and that such, and such only, will truly represent the feelings, wishes, and desires of their constituents: and if any of the delegates of this town should oppose the adoption of said frame of government in gross, or under pretence of making amendments, or alterations of any kind, or of annexing conditions to their acceptance, such delegate or delegates will act contrary to the best interests, the strongest feelings, and warmest wishes of the Tradesmen of the town of Boston.
JOHN LUCAS, Per order.
Conversation-based seminars for collegial PD, one-day and multi-day seminars, graduate credit seminars (MA degree), online and in-person.